
Danica Meaning and Origin

We love the sound of this name for a girl. It’s strong yet sweet, everything you’d wish for your daughter. The name Danica is a girl’s name meaning “morning star” and is of Slavic origin. In Slavic folklore, Danica was prayed to in the early morning when she was said to appear in the dawn sky as the morning star. She was associated with the sun and often believed to be the sun’s younger sister. With the expansion of Christianity, “Danica” became less associated with the deity and came to be a common girl’s name. Its usage in the English speaking world became popular during the 1970s. Traditionally it is pronounced Dah-nit-sah, Dunn-it-s, or Dah-neets-tah, but in the English language as Dah-nee-kha or Dan-ih-kuh. The word Dānica also translates to mean “Danish” in Latin. The name Danica has been used in popular culture as well. For example, Danica McKellar is an American actress known for her role in the TV series “The Wonder Years”, and Danica Patrick is a retired American racing driver.

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