
Gender: Girl
Origin: Japanese place name, Celtic and Hebrew
Meaning: Happy, maiden
Popularity: Not in the U.S. top 1,000 names

Narah Meaning and Origin

Narah is a girl’s name of Japanese and Celtic origin meaning “place name, happy.” Alternatively in Hebrew, Narah is a feminine name that means “young girl” or “maiden.” It is also sometimes used as a variant of the name Naarah, which appears in the Old Testament as the name of a town in the territory of Benjamin (Joshua 18:14). In Korean, Narah is a unisex name that means “country” or “nation.” It can also be spelled Nara, which is the name of a city in South Korea that served as the capital of the country in the 8th century. In Sanskrit, Narah is a masculine name that means “man” or “human being.” It is also associated with the Hindu god Vishnu, who is sometimes referred to as Narayana or “the one who rests on the water.” In Arabic, Nara is a feminine name that means “fire.” It can also be spelled Narah and is sometimes used as a variant of the name Nura, which means “light” or “enlightenment.” It’s worth noting that these meanings are based on etymological and cultural associations, and the name Narah may have different connotations or significance to individuals who bear the name or their families.

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