
Gender: Girl
Origin: Greek
Meaning: Beautiful
Popularity: Not in the U.S. top 1,000 names

Adara Meaning and Origin

Adara is a girl’s name of Greek origin, meaning “beautiful.” Additionally, in Hebrew, Adara means “noble” or “exalted.” It is often considered a feminine form of the name Adar, which is derived from the Hebrew word for “fire.” Adara is also an Arabic name that means “virgin” or “pure.” It can also be associated with beauty, grace, and elegance. In Sanskrit, Adara means “respect” or “esteem.” It conveys the idea of honor, admiration, and regard. Adara is also a Spanish name derived from the Spanish word for “vineyard.” It can be seen as a variation of the name Adaira. If you think your little girl will be the best looking on the playground (duh), this might be the perfect name.

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