50 Unique Boy Names That Start with A
Unique baby names can be hard to find, but it helps to start with a letter to narrow it down. If “A” happens to be the letter, there are tons of choices to chose from. While Alexander, Aiden, and Anthony are A names we’re all familiar with, there are several unique A-starting names from all cultures to add to your list. We’ve rounded up the most unique, unusual names that start with A for boys. The best part of these names is they are so uncommon; chances are you will ever run into anyone with the same name later down the road! Here are 50 unique baby boy names that start with ‘A.’ Keep scrolling for your A-inspiration.
1. Abner
2. Abriel
3. Aceyn
4. Adan
5. Adio
6. Adler
7. Adnan
8. Adwin
9. Afton
10. Alain
11. Alaric
12. Alastair
13. Alban
14. Alcide
15. Alcott
16. Alden
17. Aldous
18. Alger
19. Alirio
20. Alton
21. Amos
22. Amund
23. Aneirin
24. Anselm
25. Anson
26. Ares
27. Argo
28. Aries
29. Arion
30. Ariston
31. Arlington
32. Armin
33. Arno
34. Arrow
35. Artemas
36. Arvid
37. Aslan
38. Athan
39. Aster
40. Aston
41. Atley
42. Attwell
43. Auberon
44. Auden
45. Aurel
46. Aurelian
47. Avel
48. Avi
49. Avon
50. Azrael