Gender: Girl
Origin: Greek
Meaning: Help
Popularity: #267
Ophelia Meaning and Origin
The name Ophelia is a girl’s name meaning “help” and is of Greek origin. The name Ophelia is derived from the Greek words “ophelos” and “ophelimos,” which can be translated as “help” or “profit.” It can also be interpreted as “serpent” or “snake.” Ophelia gained significant popularity as a name due to its association with Shakespeare’s character. In the play, Ophelia is depicted as a gentle and innocent young woman who suffers greatly and ultimately meets a tragic end. Ophelia has experienced a revival in recent years and has become increasingly popular as a given name. It has a vintage charm and a poetic sound, appealing to many parents seeking a unique and elegant name for their daughters. Ophelia is typically pronounced as oh-FEE-lee-uh or o-FEEL-yah, with the stress on the second syllable. Variations of the name Ophelia include Ofelia (Spanish and Italian), Ophélie (French), Ofélia (Portuguese), and Ophelya (alternative spelling).
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